TITAN, may be our future home.

Fellow Earthlings.Here’s a post from the past. 🙂

the martian diaries


This is TITAN,one of the moons of Saturn.What’s so special about this moon?? This is the only place in the solar system, where life may exist(other than ours of course).This whole planet is made of solid ice and raging volcanoes.Oh…that’s just great !! Life will surely exist!!, Hold that thought! On the surface we may not find much, if we look beneath it’s crust of ice there is a large possibility of finding organisms.Not bacteria and stuff but real developed organisms.

Scientists believe that the ice had been there for all long time and we cannot ignore the possibility of life. These organisms might not have a slight similarity to those on Earth.They will surely look alien.

Water content probably be present beneath the crust and one day we will discover our brothers in the neighbourhood! These organisms would have evolved over time and may have developed ways to live in such…

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